1000 Better Stories

A Scottish Communities Climate Action Network Podcast sharing stories of community led climate action in Scotland to help us all imagine a better future.

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Monday Feb 21, 2022

The episode starts with a recording of a story “From fossil fuels shirt-and-tie to fossil-free hippie guy” shared by Bruce Donald, a net zero researcher for Thurso Development Trust. He was one of the participants in Paul Bristow’s January workshop on finding, writing and telling our climate action stories to better engage others in our communities. 
It's followed by Phillip Revell’s uplifting story from Pilgrimage for COP26, with a couple of conversations about hope and coming together, beautifully illustrated with poetry and song. Philip spoke to two Pilgrimage participants David Gee about his book, ‘Hope’s work’, and to Olga Bloemen, one of the Pilgrimage organisers and a poet.
Pilgrimage songs were performed by Freedom of Mind Community Choir and written by Karine Polwart. The Pilgrimage poem was written and performed by Olga Bloemen.
Recording and editing: Kaska Hempel and Philip Revell
Production: Kaska Hempel
Pilgrimage for COP26 website: https://artandecology.earth/pilgrimage-for-cop26/
SCCAN Storyteller Collective workshop booking on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/sccan-storyteller-collective-98489
Mini-grants for contributors to 1000 Better Stories podcast and blog: https://www.scottishcommunitiescan.org.uk/storytellers-collective/
David Gee’s book, ‘Hope’s work’: https://hopeswork.org/author/justplaindavid/ 
Olga Bloemen’s Pilgrimage poem on
Soundcloud (audio): https://soundcloud.com/olga-bloemen/why-are-we-walking 
1000 Better Stories Blog (text): 

Friday Jan 21, 2022

Now that it's all over, Kaska Hempel talks to SCCAN members about their participation in COP26, their most memorable moments and thoughts on what it all means for community climate action in Scotland.
Our guests included:
Joana Avi-Lore, SCCAN Events and Story Weaver
Philip Revell, SCCAN Convenor and member of Sustaining Dunbar
Cornell Hanxomphou from CEMVO Scotland, Ethnic Minorities Environmental Network
Alison Stewart, Aberdeen Climate Action and the brand new North East Scotland Climate Action Network (NESCAN)
Andrea Elder, Greener Kirkcaldy and Climate Action Fife
Lynsey Penny, Gatechurch Carbon Saving Project, Dundee
Kaska Hempel, PLANT (People Learning About Nature in Tayport)
We also feature a wee teaser of another fab pod in our Scottish climate family - Local Zero. Check out their feed from last year for some excellent coverage of the events on the ground.
Episode recorded and edited by Kaska Hempel.
Includes excerpts from film about Tayport Climate Festival, shot and edited by Alex Caldow. Music from performance by Essa Flett.
Joana Avi-Lore
Net Zero Nation SCCAN stall at Green Zone: https://www.scottishcommunitiescan.org.uk/we-are-net-zero-nation/ 
SCCAN Climate Reflections and Witness Series at the National Mining Museum (part of Midlothian Climate Beacon): https://www.scottishcommunitiescan.org.uk/climate-reflections-witness-report-series/ 
COP26 Workshop Walk in Beauty: Future Dreaming through Indigenous Knowledges and Western Science: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjVMYXkEVn0
Climate Beacons https://www.creativecarbonscotland.com/project/climate-beacons-for-cop26/ 
Philip Revell
Pilgrimage for COP26: https://artandecology.earth/pilgrimage-for-cop26/ 
North Light Arts: https://northlightarts.org.uk/ 
John Muir Birthplace: https://www.jmbt.org.uk/ 
COP26 Green Zone event hosted by Brian Eno: Arts and the Imagination in transformational change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAtq2_nsjKo 
Hope's Work -book and website by David Gee https://hopeswork.org/book/
Cornell Hanxomphou
Migrants Organizing for Rights and Empowerment (MORE Glasgow): https://twitter.com/MOREGlasgow 
Panel discussion with participation from EMEN: BAME communities must be given seat at the climate table. https://www.holyrood.com/news/view,bame-communities-must-be-given-seat-at-the-climate-table
Unlocking Climate Solutions: why Indigenous knowledge must take centre stage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoFCgo62k7Y
Alison Stewart
Panel on Just Transition - Local Zero podcast https://www.energyrev.org.uk/local-zero/local-zero-live/ 
North East Scotland Climate Action Network (NESCAN) COP26 activities and report: https://aberdeenclimateaction.org/nescan-cop26/ 
COP26 Coalition regional hubs: https://cop26coalition.org/get-involved/local-hubs/ 
Holyrood Green Giant Awards: https://www.holyrood.com/news/view,shortlist-announced-for-inaugural-holyrood-green-giant-awards 
Andrea Elder
Demystifying COP26 GK discussion panel: https://www.greenerkirkcaldy.org.uk/cop26-the-case-for-stubborn-optimism/ 
Climate Action Fife - Line in the Sand for COP26: https://climateactionfife.org.uk/2021/09/fifers-send-a-clear-climate-message-at-line-in-the-sand-events/
Raising the Voices of Youth to Participate Holyrood COP26 Fringe panel:  https://vimeo.com/showcase/9009795/video/644453506 
Andrea Elder’s blog with her reflection on COP26: https://climateactionfife.org.uk/2021/11/a-day-in-glasgow-during-cop26/
Lynsey Penny
Dundee Cycling Hub launch video: https://youtu.be/-QnwyksT5uo 
Dundee Council COP26 events programme: https://creativedundee.com/2021/10/dundee-cop26-events-programme/ 
Storm puppet https://visionmechanics.org/ 
Kaska Hempel
Video from Tayport Climate Festival: https://youtu.be/p6Gcd5m4ilA
Tayport 2030 visions from the Climate Festival: https://youtu.be/xhF8yGqUVS0
Tayport Climate Festival programme: https://tayportgarden.org/events/tayport-climate-festival-24-26-september-2021/

Friday Oct 08, 2021

In August we published a collection of Scottish podcasts with focus on climate justice and action.
This magazine episode is a companion to that blog, and it is showcasing 3 of the included shows.
We hear from Col Gordon about his Landed series with Farmerama radio (co-produced with Katie Revell), Catriona Spaven-Donn about United Nations House Scotland podcast - Connecting Women's Voices on Climate Justice, and the PLANT Voices podcast from Tayport Community Garden.
Magazine episodes are just one thing we are trying out as ideas for Storytellers Collective aimed at amplifying powerful stories helping everyone imagine the the future worth fighting for. To share your ideas and get involved get in touch with Kaska at stories@scottishcommunitiescan.org.
Storytellers Collective blog: https://www.scottishcommunitiescan.org.uk/category/blog/

Thursday Aug 26, 2021

In today’s episode we have two stories in store for you. A brief update from Alex MacKenzie about Glasgow’s Lost Woods project and a conversation with Calum Macleod from Community Land Scotland about the Community landowners and the climate emergency report.
Lost Woods Project: https://www.thelostwoods.earth/about
Community Land Scotland: https://www.communitylandscotland.org.uk/
Community landowners and the climate emergency report: https://www.communitylandscotland.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Community-Landowners-the-Climate-Emergency_Report.pdf
Additional materials relating to the report: https://www.communitylandscotland.org.uk/find-out-more/case-studies/
Lost Woods story was recorded and edited by Philip Revell
Interview with Calum Macleod was recorded and edited by Kaska Hempel

Friday Jul 02, 2021

Climate Cafés are open, inclusive spaces for people to get together to talk and act on the climate emergency. Community-led, the movement has emerged from the heart of Scotland and there are now sister cafés around the world.
In this episode, and following the recent launch of the Climate cafe website, we chat to Jess Pepper (Dunkeld and Birnam), Alison Stuart (Aberdeen Climate Action), Carol Aitken (Pitlochry) and Ruth Hunter Pepper (Sustaining North Berwick) to learn more about the value and importance of creating these spaces in our communities and how to go about setting one up.

1000 Better Stories - CoMoUk

Wednesday May 26, 2021

Wednesday May 26, 2021

Better Bike Share: Stories of Scotland’s community bike share schemes
CoMoUK and Scottish Communities Climate Action Network are excited to present a new joint podcast, exploring the impact of community bike share across Scotland. It features:- Harriet Cross on CoMoUK’s work to help develop low-carbon and low-cost transport options- Tim Hughes on how his passion for cycling led to Dunblane Development Trust’s e-bike loan scheme for residents- Jude King discussing how Arran Eco Savvy’s bike-share project supports the island’s businesses and individuals to reduce their carbon footprints. 

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021

As we emerge from our hibernation, we reflect on the challenges the last year has presented for social isolation, and hear about social enterprises who are 'Collaborating in Communities to Improve Mental Health' with the support of the Pockets and Prospects fund. And we have two stories of personal climate action from our recent storytelling training day.

Thursday Feb 25, 2021

A conversation with Ross Ahlfeld of Inverclyde Community Development Trust, discussing the development of the community pantry the organisation is running in partnership with Inverclyde Council. In 3 months, 400 members have signed up for the new service which addresses food insecurity and food waste.

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021

Our first podcast of 2021 explores community led energy initiatives across Scotland, from the difference it can make, to the challenges still to be overcome. We hear from Greener Kirkcaldy, Cosy Kingdom, Orkney Renewable Energy Forum, Barra and Vatersay Community Limited and Linlithgow Community Development Trust, all pioneers with practical experience of making community energy work.
The podcast was produced in partnership with Community Energy Scotland.

Monday Dec 14, 2020

For our final podcast of 2020, a selection box of book recommendations and eco folk tales.

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